Tetraselmis 18%
Technical profile

Destination and Usage Recommendations:

  • Marine teleost larvae: mix 1:1 with Nannochloropsis 18% for rotifer production. Suitable for the enrichment of artemia.
  • Mollusks: we recommend a 1:1 mix with Acuiclam® for the grow-out of oysters, mussels, clams and pectinid juveniles and/or adults.
  • Crustaceans: especially relevant for the prevention of the ‘zoea syndrome’.
Additional information

Tetraselmis 18% can be stored refrigerated (-2 / 4º C) for up 12 to 14 weeks, or frozen (-20 ºC) for up to 1 year, retaining its nutritional value in full. Please contact our Commercial Office at ventas@acuinuga.com  for further details.