Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP)
Technical profile

General principles of HACCP: (1) Identification of potential hazards associated with seafood handling/production and identification of preventive actions, (2) determination of Critical Control Points (CCPs), (3) setup of critical limits, (4) establishment of surveillance systems, (5) establishing corrective measures, (6) establishment of verification procedures and (7) preparation of full documentary proceedings and registry records.

Development of the components of HACCP Manual: (1) Description of the product, (2) flowcharts design, (3) preparation of records and monitoring sheets, (4) clean-up and contingency plans, (5) determination of microbiological and physico-chemical analyses required and (6) maintenance plan for equipment and processing tools.

Additional information

Laboratory accredited by the Consellería de Sanidade, Xunta de Galicia nº SA680A 2002/19-0. ISO CERTIFICATION: 9001:2008 Nº CA-1.061.

Frequency of visits: A detailed schedule for regular visits for data capture, identification of critical control points, staff training, etc. will be provided with a specific offer upon request. Analytical assays will be carried out by standardized methods (ISO standards, Standard Methods, AOAC, AFNOR, etc.).

For further information, queries on other specific analyses and the preparation of a detailed offer, please contact our Laboratory at laboratorio@acuinuga.com.