Laboratory for the Cannery Industry
Technical profile

Water Physico-chemical analyses: Including: (1) Temperature, (2) Dissolved oxygen, (3) Salinity, (4) pH, (5) Conductivity, (6) Total Chlorine, (7) Free Chlorine, (8) Total Ammonia, (9) Phosphates and (10) Copper.

Water Microbiological analyses: Including: (1) Total coliforms, (2) Faecal coliforms, (3) Escherichia coli, (4) Salmonella spp. and (5) Listeria monocytogenes.

Analysis of the final product: Including: (1) Mesophillic aerobes, (2) Anaerobes, (3) Bacillaceae spores, (4) Clostridium perfringens and (5) Botulinum Toxin.

Surfaces control and environmental monitoring: Including: (1) Total Flora, (2) Total Enterobacteriaceae and (3) Fungi and yeast quantification.

Additional information

Laboratory accredited by the Consellería de Sanidade, Xunta de Galicia nº SA680A 2002/19-0. ISO CERTIFICATION: 9001:2008 Nº CA-1.061.

Frequency of analyses: monthly. Analytical assays carried out by standardized methods (ISO standards, Standard Methods, AOAC, AFNOR, etc.).

For further information, queries on other specific analyses and the preparation of a detailed offer, please contact our Laboratory at